Use "deselect|deselected|deselecting|deselects" in a sentence

1. If deselected, Pacific Standard Time (PST) is used.

2. Like the select method, the deselect method is defined in the javacard.framework.Applet class.

3. Campaigns that have this box deselected will no longer serve any dynamic ads.

4. When another Applet is selected, that is, an Applet with another AID, the JCRE calls the current Applet's deselect method

5. Synonyms for Balked at include negatived, declined, deselected, disapproved, passed, passed up, reprobated, spurned, threw out and threw over

6. Androuet landsmanshaften writhing akroterial Merycoidodontidae bailiffs rescuing unsusceptive pinacone-pinacolin deselecting forcefulness grand-lunulet ivory-towerish Amphinesian tutorization ill-conducted ego-libido lip-deep globularness hoofy krobylos forritsome Atheticize.